Workplace Training


“Loved it. Literally the only training session where I looked forward to the activities and I didn’t want to duck to the bathroom even though I needed to because I didn’t want to miss anything!”

~ Brain Safety: the Neuroscience of Resilience participant ~

Resilience training to help your staff bounce back

It’s a bit of an understatement to say that the world of work has become more complex. It’s faster, with constant change and there’s just…more. More going on. More to deal with. And that means that more is also being asked of us. Cognitively and emotionally. So feeling resilient – like you have sufficient coping strategies and enough in the ’emotional tank’ to get you through the ups and downs – is an important piece of the workplace mental health puzzle. It’s not the only piece – there are clear requirements for workplaces to do their bit to reduce workplace stress that is impacting on the mental health of their employees. But feeling confident that you have the skills to cope with what work – and life in general – throws your way has benefits for mental health and wellbeing generally.

Our resilience training provides practical strategies to help you to manage stress, find the positives and ‘top up your tank’. It’s also interactive and provides opportunities for your staff to build their relationships and connect with each other (which is another important part of resilience). And have fun. Because laughter is its own kind of medicine.

So scroll down to find out more about our resilience training options, or get in touch to have a chat if there is something else you have in mind.

mental health in the workplace made easy

Let’s start the conversation around Resilience Training

Workplace Resilience Training

Brain Safety:

The Neuroscience of Resilience


In this engaging workshop we explore what the latest neuroscience has to say about resilience, and focuses on how these key principles can be practically applied in the workplace and everyday life to build personal resilience. It is highly interactive, helps to build positive team relationships and assists participants to develop their own ‘personal resilience plan’. It is one of our most popular workshops!


Course participants learn about:

  • The principles of neuroscience relevant to resilience and ‘brain safety’
  • Strategies to connect with social supports, calm the mind, generate positive emotion and build cognitive reserve.
  • Developing a personal resilience plan.

‘Brain Safety: the Neuroscience of Resilience’ workshop is delivered face-to-face in your workplace for up to 20 participants per group. It can be delivered as a half-day or full-day course, depending on your needs. If you would prefer virtual delivery, our ‘Strategies for Resilience (virtual course)’ includes some of the content from this workshop, modified to better suit virtual delivery.

Strategies for Resilience (virtual course)


Our Strategies for Resilience virtual course provides an overview of relevant neuroscience that helps participants to understand what happens when the brain is stressed. And what to do about it. Participants will try out strategies for calming the mind and generating positive emotion, and will develop their own personal resilience plan.


Course participants learn about:

  • The principles of neuroscience relevant to resilience and ‘brain safety’
  • Strategies to connect with social supports, calm the mind and generate positive emotion.
  • Developing a personal resilience plan.

The Strategies for Resilience virtual course is delivered via an instructor led 3-hour Zoom session for up to 25 participants. It also includes follow-up contact with participants via an app to introduce them to additional resilience strategies.


Managing the Risk of Vicarious Trauma


Many professions are exposed to the difficult and traumatic experiences of other people, either verbally or through reading accounts of what has occurred. It can be easy to underestimate how, over time, this can impact on your sense of safety and wellbeing in the world. This workshop explores the concept of trauma exposure response, and provides some practical strategies for how you can look after yourself when doing this work.


Participants will learn about:

  • Stress, burnout and the trauma exposure response.
  • Early warning signs of mental ill-health.
  • Strategies for looking after yourself and others in workplaces that involve exposure to trauma.

This is a half-day workshop (4 hours) delivered face-to-face in your workplace for up to 20 participants.

Lunchbox Learning Sessions


Lunchbox learning sessions are one-hour sessions designed to provide a short, sharp, fun introduction to a specific topic of your choosing relevant to resilience, team communication or leadership.


You can choose from one of these topics or talk to us about your own ideas:

  •  Stress, resilience and your brain
  • Mentally healthy workplaces
  • Conversations about mental health
  • The power of positive psychology
  • Cognitive Reserve: Tips for Building a Bushy Brain
  • Food and Your Mood.
  • Strategies for Social Connection

One-hour sessions delivered face-to-face in your workplace with groups of up to 40 people.

Are you ready to talk Resilience Training?


Time to get


Head Strong